The last remaining wild places are rapidly disappearing beneath commercial developments

We Can Fight Back and Protect the Natural World

As the human population continues to grow, wide open spaces are being rapidly converted to concrete and cinder blocks. Our beloved, natural lands are lost to strip malls and apartment complexes. Society puts profit first, blurring lines for affected people who want to speak up for themselves and the environment.

The natural world belongs to all of us, including wildlife - not just to wealthy corporations destroying habitat for personal gain.

You can use your voice to speak out against unnecessary commercial development and protect the wild places in your community. We’re here to show you how.

Goodbye apathy, hello strength.

Our Mission

Healthy environment, protected wildlife, happy community. We believe this is infinitely more valuable than development schemes that destroy the environment we all share just to spin a quick profit.

You deserve a voice- and so do the critters. Learn about who we are and what we’re fighting for.

Options for Land Owners

Over half of the land in the United States is privately owned. That’s more than a billion acres. This means that land owners play a tremendous role in conservation, and we are all counting on you.

Learn how you can protect your property from development for generations to come - and benefit from it now.

Options for Community Members

Concerned about a proposed development in your community? Not owning property shouldn’t mean that you don’t have a say- a healthy environment belongs to all of us. Learn how to get involved, speak up, and know your rights to protect the environment.

Search your state under “Options for Community Members” and let us know if you want to volunteer in your community.

Contact us

Are you an expert in land use, environmental law, or public process who wants to provide public resources?

Do you want to raise awareness about a green property in your community?

Do you need help taking action?

Do you have inspirational success stories?

Ideas that could help our mission?

We’d love to hear from you!

Support Our Work

Sign up for our email list to stay informed, or donate to help us keep the mission going.

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,

There is a rapture on the lonely shore,

There is a society where none intrudes,

By the deep Sea, and music in its roar;

I love not Man the less, but Nature more”

-George Gordon