We all rely on a healthy natural world.

Preserving nature is our most powerful tool to safeguard wildlife, foster healthy communities, and maintain open spaces where humans can roam freely.

Natural lands across our nation are being rapidly clear-cut for development. Wildlife are killed, habitat is decimated, and communities suffer from loss of peace and connection to the natural world.

We don’t have to sit idly by while big money continues destroying the last remaining wild places. The outdoors belong to all of us, humans and animals alike.

Together, let’s speak up to defend land against development and protect the natural world.

When humans clear cut land, it not only kills and displaces the current critters living on that property, but it also removes a patch from the mosaic of last remaining green spaces. Birds often return to the same place to lay their nest every year, and may make the long migration to see that their tree home no longer exists. Animals in torpor underground may wake to find their exit route blocked with concrete.

Scientists know now that protecting multiple, disconnected plots of land isn’t enough to save species from extinction. From bumblebees to blue birds to bears, wild animals need a continuous network of accessible land throughout their entire ranges to successfully feed, migrate, rest and socialize.

Additionally, when humans remove wooded areas, human and wildlife conflicts sharply increases and creates dangerous situations. Coyotes and foxes will be seen in more backyards, deer will collide with vehicles, bears and raccoons will find their way to your trash can. We are rapidly destroying these creatures’ homes, and they have nowhere else to go.

Wild animals need natural places to survive- both in rural and urban areas

Our health is completely dependent upon the health of the planet

Creeks and rivers flow into our water sources, affecting the quality of water we drink. Plants provide oxygen, remove carbon dioxide, and reduce local heat. Green spaces provide significant benefits to our mental health by reducing stress and allowing us to feel connected to the planet. This isn’t rocket science- our survival depends on protecting as much of the planet as we can. Every little bit makes a difference.

Now is the time to stand up to corporate greed and safeguard the future.

In the words of Jane Goodall:

“The greatest risk to our future is apathy.”

Our nation prioritizes profit over all else. We all drive by and watch day by day as the beautiful woods on our morning commute are decimated, more cookie-cutter apartments taking their place. Gentrification pushes out disadvantaged communities. We feel overwhelmed and powerless, unsure if we can stop this from happening again.

We can.

We can speak up for the plants and animals who don’t have a seat at the table.

We can empower ourselves and our neighbors to protect the nature, open spaces, and charm of our beloved communities.

We can ensure that we maintain our connection to nature, refusing to grant corporations the right to get even richer through needless destruction of lands we love.

We can keep wild places in tact for future generations to enjoy, knowing that our efforts today will be worth it.

We can win.

“Nature can win if we give her a chance”

-Jane Goodall